H2O Water is . . . a chemical compound for drinking that sustain life.![]() H2O Water is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering about 70% percent of the planet's surface
Water exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states
Drinking water contains varying amounts of dissolved minerals and salts including microscopic organic material, and harmful bacteria
The addition of chlorine, disinfecting our drinking water ensures it is free of the microorganisms that can cause serious and life-threatening diseases, such as cholera and typhoid fever.
To this day, chlorine remains the most commonly used drinking water disinfectant, and the disinfectant for which we have the most scientific information
To kill harmful bacteria and remove sediments, most municipalities add chemicals for the safety of the public, to safely consume it directly from the tap
HardWater contains high calcium and magnesium salts.
HardWater is divided into "TEMPORARY" and "PERMANENT".
Temporary HardWater contains bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium, which form scale when heated (BoilingWater).
Permanent HardWater contains sulphates, chlories, or nitrates of calcium and magnesium which are not affected by heating
SoftWater contains very low amounts of calcium and magnesium salts.
MineralWater contains saline (high level of sodium or magnesium sulphate or sodium chloride), alkaline (high concentration of salt which give it a balance ph), ferruginous (rich in iron), sulphurous (rich in sulphur compounds ) and potable (mineral content).
CarbonatedWater, SodaWater, and SparklingWater, all contain dissolved carbon dioxide.
![]() SpringWater and ArtesianWater, only if they flow from ground naturally.
DistilledWater is by evaporation, removing all mineral from it
Reverse osmosis means removing all minerals from it
De-mineralized is also known as deionized (which removes positive ions: calcium and sodium) and (negative ions: chlorides and bicarbonates)
IonizedWater ? .. . Is it healthier ?
IonizedWater is from ionization filter providing three (3) altering benefits ordinary filters do not provide
Ionization altered the chemical description, like the pH level and the oxygen level, to be very beneficial for health.
H2O Drinking water, they are everywhere . . .let's cheers!!!
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