Kombucha Mushroom Tea is actually a home fermented tea beverage

Kombucha Mushroom Tea is a healthful beverage made from tea, sugar, and a fungal culture mushroom and is easy to prepare

Firstly you have to ask a friend for a kombucha mushroom culture

Please, make sure you pay attention to all the utensils while preparation is in process

The Food and Drug Administration cautions that the risk of contamination is high because Kombucha Tea is often brewed in homes under non-sterile conditions Site Build It!

 Wash all utensils with hot water and rinse well

 Boil three quarts of purified water.

 Pour boiling water to black tea leafs or green tea leafs to make tea. Tea bags are acceptable.

 Add organic cane sugar, brown/rock sugar to water: when a boiling point is reached.

 Continue boiling, sugar together with water for five to ten minutes

 The strength of the tea flavor can be adjusted with the amount of tea brewed per volume of water.

 Steep 10-15 minutes and remove tea leaves and let tea cool

 Pour cooled tea into the cleaned brewing glass container, about 5 litre / 1 gallon capacity

 Add your Kombucha culture placing it so that the smooth shiny surface lies up

 Add 1 cup of fermented kombucha mushroom tea from a previous batch

 Place a piece of cheese, muslin, kitchen towel or some other piece of clean porous material over the opening of the jar and secure with a rubber band

 The brew needs air but definitely not insects, plant or mold spores

 After 5 days, it is time to taste!

 By now, you should have a new baby culture forming on top of your brew and the tea might be ready. Exciting!

 Allow to sit undisturbed in a well ventilated and darkened place away from direct sunlight for seven (7) to fifteen (15) days, with constant(ish) temperature 20C - 30C,

 To make sure the tea is ready to harvest, pour off a couple of ounces for a taste test.

 Kombucha mushroom tea is a sweetened “tisane” (herbal tea), produced through fermentation

 Plain kombucha tea has an acidic, vinegar-like flavor in addition to the original sweet tea flavor

Tasting Time !: A taste test on a batch of Kombucha mashroom tea may taste like this: 4-6 Days - Too sweet, not all sugar converted. 7-9 Days - Tastes like sparkling apple cider. 10+ Days - Vinegar taste becoming prominent.

 Once you have the right taste, take the two cultures out (the new 'baby' and the original 'mother') and place them on a clean plate

 Gently separate and place the cultures in a glass bowl covered with plastic wrap or a plastic container and you are ready for your next fresh kombucha tea

 Remember to save some kombucha tea for future use: approximately 10%

 The new 'baby' will be ready for the next batch of kombucha tea

Bingo! Your have successfully prepared, brewed and bottled home made kombucha tea.

Kombucha mushroom tea is reputed to help with many health problems such as: excema and other skin problems, hair loss, hypertension, digestive and intestinal disorders, arthritis, high cholesterol and more.

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