Acidic water are beneficial if you know how to use it to your advantage
* Acidic-water acts as a complexion enhancement, this natural astringent removes skin oil and greasy dirt without harsh chemicals.
* Soothes dry, itchy skin.
* Reduces acne. Simply apply as a mist.
* Excellent natural hair conditioner and rinse.
* Highly antiseptic for cuts, abrasions, and wounds helping them to heal faster.
* Use for brushing teeth.
* Use as a mouthwash after brushing teeth.
* Soaking in warm acidic-water improves healing from athletes foot, rashes, and nail fungus infections.
* Sterilizes burns or heat rash.
* Cut flowers will last longer in acidic-water.
* Promotes plant growth. Live plants thrive when watered with acidic-water because it is much like rain water.
* Reduces fungus on rose bushes. Apply by spraying them.
* Important Note *
Never consume AcidicWater
NOT for Internal Use
* Alkaline water contains essential calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium minerals in a form that can be easily assimilated by the body.
* Cancer does not thrive in an oxygenated and alkaline environment.
* Alkaline water provides a healthy pH balance which promotes good health.
* Ionized alkaline-water contains smaller molecule clusters which help the body assimilate more water and to hydrate body better.
* Using alkaline water to reconstitute your juices from concentrate will result in a sweeter taste. The same for coffee and teas.
* Natural texture and color is retained in vegetables cooked in alkaline water.
* Rice will be fluffier after being boiled in alkaline water.
* Alkaline water helps with weight control, and curbs hunger when dieting
* Drink at least 8 glasses of alkaline water a day.
Alkaline Water drinking is like adding antioxidants to your health plan which helps boost your body's immune system
Acidic water is useful when you use it correctly.
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